Kaho Denna
We'd be glad to have you on board!
The Denna Group Community is for those who are looking for a casual community of like-minded folk with an interest in games in general, discuss those I'm playing on stream or to chat among like-minded souls. The community will change to meet its requirements and is not exclusive to games.

If you are looking for more involvement in a limited closer-knit community, I recommend Midlife Quest, but there is nothing wrong with being in both communities if there happens to be room within Midlife Quest.

- Age 21+
  We don't want people to be restrained by who they are surrounded by.
- Patient.
- You are straight, LGBT, furry or neurodiverse (or not), of any colour;- doesn't matter.
  This is meant to be a safe-space for all and for people to be able to express themselves in the ways they wish.
- Be OK to disagree from time to time. Your opinions are not your identity. Don't defend them like they are
  otherwise you'll never be open to changing your mind and you'll look very silly if and when you do!

Does this sound like you? If so, read on to see our rules of conduct and hit "Join Discord" to the right when ready.

Rules and terms of membership (click to learn more) (MidlifeQuest Ruleset/Modifiedv1.0):

We define hate-speech as messaging which has a negative impact on others either physically, mentally or can lead to these, examples include racism, anti-LGBT and more. Use your common sense - We're all human. Verbal warning initially, permanent ban afterward.

In todays' divisive world, politics is an emotionally-charged subject and many people are not equipped with the emotional skills to detach emotionally from a party and argue reasonably without taking it as an attack on their identity as a person, or on others. Personally I (Kaho) can debate politics as a subject until I get bored but it isn't possible to productively debate with an unreasonable person, and most people are unreasonable, so it's much easier to just say no politics. Verbal warning initially, permanent ban afterward.

That means no 'fxxking typical WoW players', 'degen ffxiv players' comments or similar. Verbal warning initially, permanent ban afterward.

This is fairly self-explanatory. Verbal warning initially, permanent ban afterward.

Also fairly self-explanatory. Flexible from timeouts to permabans, depending on severity.

Verbal warning initially, permanent ban afterward.

Discord has no mechanism to check the safety of a link before someone clicks it. Not a bannable offense unless we conclude a posted link was done with malicious intent.

We want people in the community to feel safe from judgement away from the social networks. Verbal warning initially, permanent ban afterward.

We are a community that (I hope) will have each others back and want each other to succeed.

We don't restrict the use of swearing however we do have some restrictions on the use of certain words or phrases, specifically those that single out some quality or trait, or is calling some aspect of someone in to question which your use of such a term may be offensive or the word by itself is offensive.

We don't keep a permanent record of infractions or issues we've had with members of the community (for a lot of reasons). We need the flexibility to forget in certain cases.

If your behaviour outside the community causes us and our reputation harm, either by you violating community rules or common-decency laws we will have no choice but to remove you from the community. Examples of this include sexual and domestic abuse - whilst these do not come under our rules, we don't want someone accused of this in the guild because frankly they aren't the kind of person we want here (might I recommend a prison cell?).

This might sound like we are giving ourselves the ability to take action against members for any reason we want, however the above rules don't capture every instance of wrongdoing that the community doesn't want. We won't ban you for asinine reasons. We also won't ban you for anything that skirts the above rules but does not breach it. If we can detect malice however then you'll know about it. As per the age requirement above, we're all adults here so use your common sense.

Final word:

Please don't be intimidated by these rules. We don't want to foster a culture of fear to maintain some status-quo or echo-chamber. Our eligibility above serves as a test for the kind of person we want, but also serves as a hint as to who we don't;- We don't want peddlers of disinformation, or supporters of hate for example. We want to build lifelong friendships, whether you are new to FFXIV and World of Warcraft (or any other MMORPG we expand in to) or not.

Verbal warnings usually involve me or another community manager having a one-to-one discussion with the individual involved. We get involved and try to get to the bottom of things. We don't have to, but if discourse occurs there is usually a reason behind it. Not everyone has the benefit of being surrounded by friends who will correct them before they make a fool of themselves. Permanent bans will simply be carried out without a de-escalation discussion and your position in the community offered up to someone waiting to enter. We hope we never have to do either.